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PostPoslato: 12 Avg 2013, 00:43 
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Pridružio se: 06 Dec 2010, 15:48
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Talija je napisao:
Ne gledam jer nemam zelja. :)

Blago ti se :P


PostPoslato: 18 Nov 2013, 21:04 
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Pridružio se: 21 Maj 2006, 19:12
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eto komet

du du du nema nam pomoci

BL 1993, 2003, 2013, 2023Mala Mediha treba vašu pomoć!
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PostPoslato: 29 Nov 2013, 00:46 
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Pridružio se: 21 Maj 2006, 19:12
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Ima li komete?

BL 1993, 2003, 2013, 2023Mala Mediha treba vašu pomoć!
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PostPoslato: 29 Nov 2013, 00:58 
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PostPoslato: 29 Nov 2013, 01:01 
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Pridružio se: 10 Jun 2011, 21:22
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Ћорак :) ... a/3776419/

Зарада на интернету (Јесте, ја сам админ) :) Najbolji Forex brokeri
Čiča iz Rogače je napisao:
Kad pobjedimo Doboj ćemo nazvati Obren Vakuf,usprkos tebi i Vulićki
Vladimir RUS je napisao:
Na RTRS-u kazu 8000, a na Nezavisnim hiljade. :D
Dok je bilo uzivo, na RTRS-u i ATV-u nista. Zato ide live kada se otvara hidroelektrana od 42 miliona KM koja uz to zaposljava tj. bice uposleno 40-ak radnika. Milion KM po radnom mjestu.

PostPoslato: 26 Dec 2013, 02:56 
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Pridružio se: 21 Maj 2006, 19:12
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Lokacija: Je Suis Ahmed
Astronom tvrdi da ćemo 4. januara 2014. lebdeti u vazduhu zbog poravnanja planeta
Autor: J.R./ Foto: Ilustracija 25.12.2013. - 14:58 14:55 Komentara (0)
Britanski astronom Patrik Mur otkrio je da će se 4. januara sledeće godine desiti neobičan astronomski događaj. U tačno 9 i 45 ujutru, planeta Pluton će proći direktno iza Juptera u odnosu na Zemlju. Zbog ovog retkog poravnanja i kombinovanja gravitacione sile ove dve planete privremeno će doći do ublažavanja Zemljine teže pa će ljudi biti lakši.

On tvrdi da ukoliko u tom trenutku skočite, prizemljićete se "tek" za tri sekunde.

Međutim, ovi navodi, nisu tačni , na žalost svih koji ovu informaciju šire po društvenim mrežama.

Mur je objasnio da će ljudi doživeti jedinstven fenomen prilikom skakanja u tačnom trenutku poravnanja planeta. Tom prilikom bi doživeli osećaj lebdenja, poput astronauta u kosmosu.

Isti "fenomen" Mur je već ranije objašnjavao i najavljivao davne 1976. godine.On je 1. aprila te godine u radio emisiji najavljivao da će u 9 i 47 sati tog jutra doći do poravnajnja planeta i promena u gravitaciji.

Međutim, to se nije desilo, pa je sva prilika da je i sada u pitanju ista vrsta dezinformacije.

BL 1993, 2003, 2013, 2023Mala Mediha treba vašu pomoć!
Najbolji citati BL forumaKultne teme BL foruma

PostPoslato: 23 Maj 2014, 23:18 
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Pridružio se: 21 Maj 2006, 19:12
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Lokacija: Je Suis Ahmed
Prema ocijeni astronoma, više od 200 meteora na čas proći će kroz Zemljinu atmosferu u ranim jutarnjim časovima.

Ukoliko vremenske prilike dozvole, meteori će se pojaviti iz pravca sjevernog sazvežđa "Kamelopardalis".

"Proći ćemo posred kometske prašine i meteori će se sporo kretati. Izgledaće skoro kao veoma spor vatromet, a ne kao uobičajene zvijezde padalice", rekao je astronom sa Univerziteta Arizona Karl Hergenroter.

"Zemlja nikada ranije nije naišla na sličan niz ostataka, tako da oni koji predviđaju ne mogu biti sigurni u ono što govore. Može biti da se ništa ne desi, da bude veličanstvena `meteorska oluja` ili nešto između", dodaje astronom Toni Filips. ... orska-kisa

BL 1993, 2003, 2013, 2023Mala Mediha treba vašu pomoć!
Najbolji citati BL forumaKultne teme BL foruma

PostPoslato: 22 Apr 2015, 18:40 
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Pridružio se: 05 Maj 2008, 14:32
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PostPoslato: 22 Apr 2015, 18:47 
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Pridružio se: 09 Jun 2004, 14:58
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'nachi, malu pod ruchicu (pardon, suvozacevo sjediste) i pravac Vlasic na vatrometni spektakl ?! :iconbiggrin:

E pa Simeune, prijatelju moj, od danas me vise neces brijati..

PostPoslato: 14 Jul 2015, 02:17 
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Pridružio se: 21 Maj 2006, 19:12
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Lokacija: Je Suis Ahmed

Pluton je sa svojom površinom malo manji od Rusije, prosto nevjerovatno da se može obletiti autom za sedam-osam dana lagane vožnje.

Sonda za Pluton ispaljena 19.1.2006. godine.

Proći će najbliže pored Plutona danas u 13:49.

BL 1993, 2003, 2013, 2023Mala Mediha treba vašu pomoć!
Najbolji citati BL forumaKultne teme BL foruma

PostPoslato: 14 Jul 2015, 17:59 
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Pridružio se: 21 Maj 2006, 19:12
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Lokacija: Je Suis Ahmed
Pluto nearly fills the frame in this black and white image from the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) aboard NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft, taken on July 13, 2015 when the spacecraft was 476,000 miles (768,000 kilometers) from the surface. This is the last and most detailed image sent to Earth before the spacecraft’s closest approach to Pluto on July 14.
Image Credit: NASA/APL/SwRI

Kažu ovo mu je kora od čvrstog Azota.

BL 1993, 2003, 2013, 2023Mala Mediha treba vašu pomoć!
Najbolji citati BL forumaKultne teme BL foruma

PostPoslato: 25 Feb 2016, 18:29 
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Pridružio se: 21 Maj 2006, 19:12
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Lokacija: Je Suis Ahmed
Метеор је улетио у атмосферу око 900 километара од обале Бразила, експлодирао у ваздуху и као запаљена лопта пао у океан. Упркос силовитој експлозији, научници кажу да овај удар ипак није био опасан. “Да је метеор пао на насељено подручје, вјероватно би поломио прозоре и уплашио много људи, али мислим да не би причинио никакву озбиљну штету“, каже Фил Плејт, истраживач НАСА који је испитивао овај догађај. Слични удари догодили су се у скоријој прошлости, попут експлозије изнад Чељабинска у фебруару 2013, када је повријеђено 1.600 људи. Током те године многи мањи удари прошли су потпуно незапажено. НАСА прати потенцијално опасне објекте у свемиру, али некад их и пропусти. Такав је био случај и са астероидом који је детектован у посљедњем тренутку, када је већ био близу наше планете. Срећом, његова путања није се укрштала са Земљином.

BL 1993, 2003, 2013, 2023Mala Mediha treba vašu pomoć!
Najbolji citati BL forumaKultne teme BL foruma

PostPoslato: 04 Avg 2016, 19:40 ... guide.html

PostPoslato: 10 Avg 2016, 13:39 
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Pridružio se: 03 Jan 2007, 16:38
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Sutra se možda razvedri poslije 22h, pa moguće nešto da se i vidi.

Rad je od čovjeka napravio roba, neradu smo odani sve do groba.

PostPoslato: 10 Avg 2016, 14:34 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 29 Jan 2006, 13:08
Postovi: 191
Lokacija: Modriča
O da. I Clear Outside kaže da će posle 22h biti oko 8% oblačnosti a malo kasnije bi se trebalo skroz razvedriti. Brine me malo transparentnost ali ja se spremam za sutra.

Sky Watcher 80/400 ahromat AZ3

PostPoslato: 11 Avg 2016, 09:46 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 29 Jan 2006, 13:08
Postovi: 191
Lokacija: Modriča
Izgleda da su oblaci odlučili da ostanu večeras. :D

Sky Watcher 80/400 ahromat AZ3

PostPoslato: 12 Avg 2016, 14:20 
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Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 21 Maj 2006, 19:12
Postovi: 31235
Lokacija: Je Suis Ahmed
prvo je oko pola 10 proletila ISS, a onda sam izbrojao par komada do ponoci

BL 1993, 2003, 2013, 2023Mala Mediha treba vašu pomoć!
Najbolji citati BL forumaKultne teme BL foruma

PostPoslato: 05 Okt 2016, 01:31 
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Pridružio se: 21 Maj 2006, 19:12
Postovi: 31235
Lokacija: Je Suis Ahmed
By Andrew Fazekas
The coming month brings shooting stars, pretty planets, and plenty more reasons to look up at the night sky. You’ll even have the chance to catch the eerie pyramid-shaped zodiacal light.

So dust off those binoculars and mark your October calendar!

Mercury at it Best—Week of October 1

Skywatchers this week get a chance to get their best view of the year of Mercury, the trickiest planet to spot with just your unaided eyes.

Check out the innermost planet in the solar system just after it passes its greatest elongation September 28, which is the farthest the planet can get from the sun from our vantage point on Earth. About 45 minutes before sunrise, hunt down the most challenging planet to see with the naked eye.

Mercury is the smallest major planet in the solar system, only slightly larger than Earth’s moon. And it lies so close to the sun that it takes only 88 days to complete one orbit around the star. To spot Mercury, look for a faint star-like object eight degrees above the horizon—equal to the the width of your clenched fist held at arm's length.

This Week’s Night Sky: See an Eerie Pyramid of Light
How to Watch the Supercharged Perseid Meteor Shower
This Week’s Night Sky: Watch the Moon Meet Mars
The planet will be at its most visible because it will be higher in the eastern sky, away from the glare of the rising sun, than on any other morning in 2016.

And here’s a viewing tip: Binoculars will help you initially track down the faint planet and crescent moon in the glare of the morning twilight. Also even a small telescope can also reveal Mercury as a disk that appears half lit, like a tiny version of the quarter moon.

Here are some of the other exciting astronomical wonders in store for sky-watchers this week.

Picture of Zodiacal Light
The zodiacal light is a triangular glow seen best in night skies free of overpowering moonlight and light pollution.

Zodiacal Lights—October 1-15

Starting about an hour before sunrise on Saturday, October 1, and lasting the next two weeks, keen skywatchers in the Northern Hemisphere can hunt down one of the most elusive astronomical phenomena visible in the sky: the zodiacal light.

This pyramid-shaped beam of light is easily mistaken for the lights of a far-off city just over the dark horizon in the countryside, and has also been called “false dawn.” But this light is more ethereal; it is caused by sunlight reflecting off cosmic dust between the planets.

Amazing to think that today we’re peering at billions of dust-sized particles that were left behind after the planets formed about five billion years ago.

Orionids Ramp Up—October 2

In the pre-dawn hours, the Orionid meteor shower kicks off with a sprinkle of shooting stars. But the best of this sky show will peak on the 21st with as many as 20 shooting stars per hour.

Even if you’ve never heard of the Orionid meteor shower, you’ve probably heard of its source. The shooting stars you’re seeing now are part of the debris shed from the most famous of all Earth's icy visitors, Halley’s Comet. (Learn more about the Orionids.)

Moon and Venus—October 3

A half-hour after your local sunset, look toward the very low southwestern sky for a razor-thin crescent moon pairing up with bright star-like Venus. The two objects will only be five degrees apart—equal to the width of your three middle fingers held together.

Picture of the Skychart of Uranus in October
The green ice giant Uranus will be at its biggest and brightest in our skies for all of 2016.

Uranus Primetime—October 15

The green ice giant Uranus officially reaches opposition, which means the outer planet will be at its biggest and brightest in our skies for the entirety of 2016.

Uranus will appear opposite the sun in the sky and rises in the east after sunset in the constellation Pisces. Nearby, the full moon will make it easier to find the tiny disk: look for the planet less than four degrees underneath the moon. Both objects should fit easily into the field of view of a standard pair of binoculars.

You can try spying Uranus, which is at magnitude 5.7, with the naked eye if you’re in dark countryside. You may, however, find it easier to pick out its tiny green-blue colored disk with binoculars or a small telescope. Its distinctive hue is caused by absorption of the red portion of the spectrum of sunlight by molecules of methane in its atmosphere; blue and green are reflected back to our eyes.

Picture of Skychart of Bull's Eye
Look in the eastern sky for a gibbous moon close to the orange star Aldebaran—the red eye of the constellation Taurus, the bull.
Bull’s-Eye Winks—October 18

After darkness falls, look toward the eastern sky for a gibbous moon positioned close to the orange star Aldebaran, which is the red eye of the constellation Taurus, the bull.

Lucky skywatchers across Mexico, Central America, southeastern Canada, the eastern United States, southern Europe, and Northwestern Africa should actually see the moon cover, or occult, Aldebaran.

Orionids Peak—October 21

Look for the Orionids to reach their most prolific, with numbers reaching upwards of 20 shooting stars per hour visible from dark locations.

The meteors appear to radiate from the northern part of the shower’s namesake constellation Orion the Hunter, which rises in the northeast just before local midnight for mid-northern latitudes at this time of year.

Orion is one of the easiest star patterns to recognize thanks to its three bright stars that line up in a perfect row, marking the mythical figure's belt.

Picture of Skychart of Moon and Lion's Heart
In the pre-dawn hours, look east to see the thin crescent moon hanging underneath the bright star Regulus, the heart of the constellation Leo.
Moon and Lion’s Heart—October 25

In the pre-dawn hours, face due east and watch the thin crescent moon hanging underneath the bright star Regulus, which marks the heart of the constellation Leo, the lion. The two bright objects will be less than two degrees apart—a bit wider than your thumb held at arm’s length.

Picture of Skychart of Jupiter and Moon
Jupiter and the moon will appear close to each other, and will be visible to the naked eye.
Jupiter and Moon—October 28

Once again the moon catches up with a planet, but this time it's the largest planet in the entire solar system and one of the brightest in the night sky.

Jupiter and the moon will make for a stunning sight with just the naked eye—and this is a great photo opportunity against the brightening dawn skies due east.

Saturn and Venus—October 30

Just as the evening twilight sets in, look for Venus and the much fainter Saturn to make a pretty pairing in the low southwest skies.

Joining them is an orange star named Antares, the eye of the constellation Scorpius. Binoculars will help show the planetary pair in all their glory, while a small telescope will reveal Saturn’s rings and the tiny disk of Venus too.

Clear skies!

Andrew Fazekas, the Night Sky Guy, is the author of Star Trek: The Official Guide to Our Universe. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and his website.

Da mi je uhvatiti Uanus i ove Orionide.

BL 1993, 2003, 2013, 2023Mala Mediha treba vašu pomoć!
Najbolji citati BL forumaKultne teme BL foruma

PostPoslato: 05 Okt 2016, 09:30 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 29 Jan 2006, 13:08
Postovi: 191
Lokacija: Modriča
Zvijezde u sazviježđu Ribe nisu baš sjajne pa je pitanje da li će i dvogled pomoći kod traženja Urana iz BL. Jedino da poslušaš savjet iz teksta pa sačekaš pun Mjesec. Uran će se nalaziti nalaziti 5-6 stepeni lijevo od Mjeseca a toliko je otprilike i vidno polje dvogleda. Probaj pa javi šta je bilo. Dobro si me podsjetio da i ja na sledećem posmatranju potražim.

Sky Watcher 80/400 ahromat AZ3

PostPoslato: 08 Okt 2016, 21:42 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 29 Jan 2006, 13:08
Postovi: 191
Lokacija: Modriča
Evo vratih se sa posmatranja i između ostalog sam uspio pronaći Uran. Moraš imati dvogled i dobru kartu neba. Ja ni u teleskopu na 67x povećanju ga nisam razlikovao od zvijezda. Nebo je toliko loše bilo da sam htio odustati. Čak ni po boji ga nisam razlikovao od okolnih zvijezda a nije se ni nazirao disk koji je inače mizernih 3,7 lučnih sekundi prividne veličine. Evo mala pomoć
I da, sazviježđe Ribe se kod mene uopšte ne vidi golim okom pa sam morao krenuti dvogledom ili tražiocem iz Ovna kako i preporučuje lik u klipu.

Sky Watcher 80/400 ahromat AZ3

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