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Autoru Poruka
PostPoslato: 25 Mar 2007, 02:20 

Pridružio se: 12 Jul 2001, 01:00
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Alkohol i nikotin opasniji od nekih ilegalnih droga
Znanstveni članak nedavno objavljen (potrebna besplatna registracija) u britanskom medicinskom časopisu The Lancet pokazuje kako su alkohol i duhan vjerojatno opasniji od nekih ilegalnih droga te bi se kao takvi trebali i svrstati u pravnom sustavu. U istraživanju su liječnici i drugi stručnjaci uključujući policijske službenike klasificirali dvadesetak štetnih supstanci po tri kriterija: fizičkoj šteti za konzumenta, mogućem stupnju ovisnosti te utjecaju konzumacije na društvo. Najopasniji prema zbiru ocjena su heroin i kokain, slijede barbiturati i ulični metadon, alkohol je zauzeo peto mjesto, a duhan deveto. Marihuana je 11., ecstasy je pri dnu popisa, a čak je i visoko halucinogeni LSD ocijenjen relativno sigurnim. Guardian...

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day."
- Douglas Adams

PostPoslato: 25 Mar 2007, 11:18 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 14 Jun 2002, 19:36
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Not now, John! je napisao:
Alkohol i nikotin opasniji od nekih ilegalnih droga
Znanstveni članak nedavno objavljen (potrebna besplatna registracija) u britanskom medicinskom časopisu The Lancet pokazuje kako su alkohol i duhan vjerojatno opasniji od nekih ilegalnih droga te bi se kao takvi trebali i svrstati u pravnom sustavu. U istraživanju su liječnici i drugi stručnjaci uključujući policijske službenike klasificirali dvadesetak štetnih supstanci po tri kriterija: fizičkoj šteti za konzumenta, mogućem stupnju ovisnosti te utjecaju konzumacije na društvo. Najopasniji prema zbiru ocjena su heroin i kokain, slijede barbiturati i ulični metadon, alkohol je zauzeo peto mjesto, a duhan deveto. Marihuana je 11., ecstasy je pri dnu popisa, a čak je i visoko halucinogeni LSD ocijenjen relativno sigurnim. Guardian...

Hehhe, ako bog da, jednog dana ce ih staviti na taj spisak, ali tek onda kada ne budu imali profit (u milijardama) od istih...

The wounds of war run deep, cutting across generations. But there is always the hope of healing, so long as there are souls among us whose hearts are more full of love than hate.

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PostPoslato: 25 Mar 2007, 18:10 
Stara kuka
Stara kuka
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 27 Jan 2003, 15:09
Postovi: 4060
Lokacija: Tilburg, NL
Pa... zarađuje se i na zabranjenim drogama i to mnogo više, pa nisu u prometu...

Always remember that you are unique, just like everyone else...

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PostPoslato: 28 Mar 2007, 14:33 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 18 Sep 2004, 18:48
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Lokacija: dancefloor
Droga, djeco moja, droga...a ne zvona i praporci!

differentia specifica

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PostPoslato: 29 Mar 2007, 22:56 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 18 Apr 2006, 19:10
Postovi: 59
Lokacija: A little room hanging on the end of the world...
BlackHand je napisao:
Pa... zarađuje se i na zabranjenim drogama i to mnogo više, pa nisu u prometu...
Nedostaje jedna rijec... Nisu u legalnom prometu...

[url=]Remember friend as you walk by,
As you are now so once was I,[/url]
[url=]As I am now you will surely be,
Prepare for death and follow me.[/url]

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PostPoslato: 30 Mar 2007, 07:05 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 22 Mar 2007, 02:36
Postovi: 920
Lokacija: Banja Luka - Woking
superhik je napisao:
Droga, djeco moja, droga...

Samo rakija i to domaća šljivovica!Kakva droga,bacajte to :)

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PostPoslato: 27 Apr 2007, 19:40 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 21 Jun 2004, 14:08
Postovi: 1645
Ko duva zdravlje cuva ...

"Muzika je vise od zene, od zene se mozes razvesti, a kada se zaljubis u muziku, nema ti pomoci" - A. Piazzolla (slobodni prevod)

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PostPoslato: 27 Apr 2007, 19:49 
Bič božji
Bič božji
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 15 Okt 2006, 12:58
Postovi: 10625
Lokacija: Banjaluka
Đuro Čvorović je napisao:
Samo rakija i to domaća šljivovica!Kakva droga,bacajte to :)

:drinking: :drinking:


PostPoslato: 27 Apr 2007, 20:08 
Stara kuka
Stara kuka
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 18 Apr 2004, 23:41
Postovi: 4402
Lokacija: The Moon
Not now, John! je napisao:
Alkohol i nikotin opasniji od nekih ilegalnih droga

Osnovna stvar na koju trebas obratiti paznju prilikom citanja neke studije ( uz metode ), je koji parametri su uzeti u obzir, ovdje su to bili slijedeci :

a ) stetnost po fizicko zdravlje
b ) tendencija date supstance da izazove ovisnost
c ) efekat supstance na porodicu i drustvo

Dakle marihuana je zauzela 11. mjesto po ovim parametrima, ali nije receno nesto sto je takodje naucna cinjenica - da marihuana povecava rizik od izazivanja sizofrenije 2x. Posto to nije bila tema studije, niko nije uzeo u obzir efekat sizofrenije na porodicu i drustvo. :wink: Isto se moze primijeniti na LSD; moguce da je ovisnost koju izaziva manja nego nikotinska, ali to sto izaziva halucinacije i paranoidne simptome kao dio "tripa"- nikom nista. :wink:

Ja sam lav Istine, a ne lav strasti.
Moje djelovanje je svjedokom mojoj religiji.

Ma liberté

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PostPoslato: 11 Maj 2007, 12:04 
Bič božji
Bič božji
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 05 Jun 2002, 08:33
Postovi: 10481
Lokacija: Banja Luka
odavno je poznato da je nikotin jedan od najjacih otrova, pa ipak to ne djeluje na pusace

Batmobil ti inace ima 5.7 litarski chevroletov V8 motor, koji ti ima ubrzanje do 100 za 5 sekundi. Ako uzmes u obzir da batmobil tezi preko dvije tone,to ti je zbilja fenomenalno. Al` dobro,dosta o mom autu, pricajmo malo o meni!

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PostPoslato: 11 Maj 2007, 13:04 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 11 Feb 2007, 12:36
Postovi: 1708
Lokacija: NBg,Нова Ва`ош,
Kako to da ne djeluje...naravno da djeluje samo si zaboravio kako funkcionise organizam bez nikotina pa ne primjecujes promjene...batali cigare na 7 dana pa ces da vidis psihofizicko djelovanje nikotina pri ponovnom uzimanju cigareta.

Stojim iz toga da alkohol treba da zauzima 1.mjesto.

A,da li je neko razmisljao o upotrebi kanabisa u medicini?

Marijuana as medicine: Consider the pros and cons

Marijuana — Understand the facts about using marijuana for nausea, pain and other medical problems.


Find More
Buying prescription drugs online: The do's and don'ts
Common terms on over-the-counter pain relievers: What do they mean?

People have used marijuana as a medical treatment for thousands of years. Such uses extend even to modern America. Marijuana was listed by the U.S. Pharmacopeia, the organization that sets quality standards for approved drugs in the United States, until the 1940s, when political pressure against marijuana's recreational use triggered its removal.

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that state laws allowing medicinal use of marijuana must bow to federal law banning it, proponents still tout this controversial plant's ability to treat pain, nausea and other uncomfortable side effects of medical treatment as well as some disease symptoms.

Marijuana 101: The plant and its components

Marijuana refers to the dried flowers, leaves, stems and seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. These parts contain the compounds that produce the mind-altering effect that recreational users seek when smoking or ingesting the plant — but they also provide components with potential medical benefits.

Marijuana contains at least 60 chemicals called cannabinoids. Researchers are evaluating how effective some of these cannabinoids might be in controlling symptoms of certain medical conditions. For example:

THC. An abbreviation for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC is the main component responsible for marijuana's mind-altering effect. It also may help treat signs and symptoms such as nausea and vomiting that are associated with a number of medical conditions.
Cannabinol and cannabidiol. These compounds have some of the properties of THC, but cause less psychoactive effects — the high.
Dronabinol (Marinol). Dronabinol (dro-NAB-in-ol) is a man-made version of THC available by prescription. It's used to prevent nausea and vomiting after cancer chemotherapy when other medicines for these side effects don't work, and to increase appetite in people with AIDS.
How it works

When smoked or ingested, THC and other cannabinoids in marijuana attach to two types of receptors on cells in your body — like keys in a lock — affecting the cells, once attached.

CB1 is one such receptor. CB1 receptors are found mainly in your brain, especially in areas that control body movement, memory and vomiting. This helps explain why marijuana use affects balance and coordination and impairs short-term memory and learning, and why it can be useful in treating nausea, pain and loss of appetite.

The other type of receptor, CB2, is found in small numbers elsewhere in your body, mainly in tissue of the immune system, such as your spleen and lymph nodes. The function of these receptors is not well understood. They may serve as brakes on immune system function, which may help explain why marijuana suppresses your immune system.

After you smoke marijuana, its ingredients reach their peak levels in your body within minutes, and effects can last up to an hour and a half. When eaten — the plant is sometimes mixed with food — the ingredients can take several hours to reach their peak levels in your body, and their effects may last for hours.

The prescription drug dronabinol, which is taken as an oral capsule, takes effect in about 30 minutes and can continue to stimulate appetite for more than a day.

Possible medical uses

Scientists studying marijuana's potential medical uses have found that it may help treat a variety of conditions.


One of THC's medical uses best supported by research is the treatment of nausea. It can improve mild to moderate nausea caused by cancer chemotherapy and help reduce nausea and weight loss in people with AIDS.

Younger people may find marijuana more useful as a treatment for nausea than do older people — who may not tolerate its mind-altering side effects as well. The prescription form, dronabinol, also may produce psychological side effects that make it inappropriate for some older people. Doctors generally prescribe several kinds of newer anti-nausea drugs with fewer side effects before resorting to dronabinol.


This disease — the third-leading cause of blindness in the United States — is marked by increased pressure in the eyeball, which can lead to vision loss.

In the early 1970s, scientists discovered that smoking marijuana reduced pressure in the eyes. Exactly how the cannabinoids in marijuana produce this effect isn't known. Scientists have discovered CB1 receptors in the eyes, which may provide clues for future research on how marijuana affects glaucoma.

Your doctor can prescribe other medications to treat glaucoma, but these can lose their effectiveness over time. Researchers are working to develop medications containing cannabinoids that can be put directly on the eyes — to avoid the mind-altering side effects and other health consequences of smoking the plant.


People widely used marijuana for pain relief in the 1800s, and several studies have found that cannabinoids have analgesic effects. In fact, THC may work as well in treating cancer pain as codeine, a mild pain reliever. Cannabinoids also appear to enhance the effects of opiate pain medications to provide pain relief at lower dosages.

Researchers currently are developing new medications based on cannabis to treat pain.

Multiple sclerosis

Research results on the effectiveness of cannabinoids in the treatment of the tremors, muscle spasms and pain of multiple sclerosis (MS) — a disease of the nervous system that can cause muscle pain — are mixed. A 2003 study found that cannabinoids significantly reduced pain in people with multiple sclerosis.

Some scientists feel that more research may show cannabinoids useful in treating MS. Marijuana may protect nerves from the kind of damage that occurs during the disease. They also suggest that animal study results, knowledge of CB1 receptors in the brain and users' reports of decreased symptoms after using marijuana support this possibility. However, others advise caution in using marijuana to treat MS, given the modest therapeutic effects cannabinoids have demonstrated so far and the potential of long-term adverse side effects.

Not without risks

Though some doctors and patients suggest marijuana has a legitimate use, the United States government disagrees. Federal law recognizes marijuana as a Schedule I drug, which classifies it as one of "the most dangerous drugs that have no recognized medical use." If law-enforcement officers find you with the drug in your possession, the penalty can range from a small fine to a prison sentence.

Along with the legal implications, smoking marijuana poses several health risks, including:

Impairment of thinking, problem-solving skills and memory
Reduced balance and coordination
Increased risk of heart attack
Heightened risk of chronic cough and respiratory infections
Potential for hallucinations and withdrawal symptoms
Also, marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke and has the potential to cause cancer of the lungs and respiratory tract. Marijuana smoke is commonly inhaled deeper and held longer than is tobacco smoke, increasing the lungs' exposure to carcinogens.

These risks should be taken into account when considering the use of marijuana for medical purposes. If you are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms or side effects of medical treatment, especially pain and nausea, talk to your doctor about all your options before trying marijuana.

Health News
Search Health:

Marijuana-Like Brain Chemicals Ease Parkinson's Symptoms in Mice
The treatment is much more targeted than smoking marijuana, researchers say

By Ed Edelson, HealthDay Reporter

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Today's Health News
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 7 (HealthDay News) -- Manipulation of brain molecules similar to those found in marijuana provided dramatic relief of Parkinson's-like symptoms in mice, researchers report.

"This might be a target for treatment that could cure the motor deficits seen in Parkinson's disease," said lead researcher Anatol Kreitzer, whose team published the findings in the Feb. 8 issue of Nature.

Kreitzer emphasized two points, however -- that a lot of work must be done before human trials can begin, and that the study results do not support smoking marijuana as a way to help Parkinson's patients.

The study did involve cannabinoids, molecules that are similar to those found in marijuana. But these cannabinoids occur naturally in the brain, and the study hinged on targeting specific cannabinoids.

"When you smoke a joint, you activate cannabinoid receptors all over the brain," explained Kreitzer, who now is a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University and will soon move to a research position at the University of California, San Francisco. "That is indiscriminate," Kreitzer said. "In general, you need more specific signaling. Our approach involved only regions of the brain or cells that release dopamine."

Dopamine is crucial, because a lack of that chemical produces the movement problems seen in Parkinson's disease. Kreitzer and Dr. Robert Malenka, professor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford, focused on dopamine in the striatum, a region of the brain implicated in Parkinson's disease and a number of other disorders.

"This particular part of the brain doesn't have any obvious anatomy," Kreitzer said. "If you just look at the cells, they all look alike. But it turns out that there are two specific circuits there involved in the control of movement -- a direct pathway that activates motion and an indirect pathway that inhibits motion."

The researchers worked with mice engineered to have a fluorescent protein in one of those circuits. They found that dopamine acts differently in the two circuits. When dopamine is depleted in the pathway that inhibits movement, it becomes overly active.

"The mice that didn't have dopamine in that circuit are completely frozen," Kreitzer said. "They don't walk around at all. To restore plasticity, we tried to activate the dopamine signal."

The mice were given both dopamine and a drug being developed for treatment of anxiety, which acts by slowing the breakdown of brain cannabinoids. "The animals started walking around immediately," Kreitzer said. "There was a five- or sixfold increase in motor activity. If you inhibit the breakdown of these endocannabinoids, you enhance activity even in mice that lack dopamine."

Research now will go in a number of directions, Kreitzer said. "We'd like to understand some other functions of these compounds," he said. Several stages of animal work must be done before human trials can be considered, Kreitzer added.

"A potential role for endocannabinoids for Parkinson disease represents an exciting new area for Parkinson research," said Dr. Michael S. Okun, medical director of the National Parkinson Foundation, which helped fund the research.

Although more study is needed, the work "sheds some light on potentially relevant targets and strategies for treatment of this neurodegenerative disease," said Okun, who is also co-director of the Movement Disorders Center at the University of Florida, Gainesville.

We are the knights who say Ni

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PostPoslato: 11 Maj 2007, 13:35 
Ajd prevedi sada...

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PostPoslato: 11 Maj 2007, 14:49 
Stara kuka
Stara kuka
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 23 Dec 2006, 18:50
Postovi: 6700
Ja mislim da nevalja ni alkohol ni droga. Neko govori da je bolja droga od alkohola da bi opravdao uzimanje droge. U sushtini sve su to droge.

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PostPoslato: 13 Jun 2007, 12:53 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 11 Feb 2003, 15:42
Postovi: 3076
Lokacija: Banja Luka
Meni je jedan doktor rekao pametno: "Alkohol je twoj najveci neprijatelj! On ti pravi swe probleme u zivitu!" Alkohol zaista vodi u depresiju, pored toga sto direktno steti organizmu, kardiovaskularnom sistemu, mozgu i svemu istalom gdje god dospijeva krv, a to je swe!
Ja sada se pohvalim ne pijem od 02.05.2007. nisam ni kap popio nicega, jesam pomiriso vino neki dan, samo da pomirisim. I nista, i ne treba mi. Jos duvan da izbacim u bice kul.
Jednom prilikom sam imao Holter EKG srca na sebi i bio sam u kafani i nalijevao pive ko lud i pusio cigar jednu za drugom... i tako od jedno 18h - 22h i kada sam se pope uz stepenice i zapisao to u karton koji dobijes da biljezis svoje aktivnosti, znate koliki mi je bio heart rate na listingu tada!? 161/min Katastrofa!


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PostPoslato: 17 Jun 2007, 19:16 
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 10 Maj 2007, 08:22
Postovi: 201
Lokacija: Hercegovina

Danas se mnogo zna o opasnostima od raka pluća,emfizema,i drugih za život opasnih stanja i većina je ljudi svjesna štetnog djelovanja cigareta u trudnoći.Mnogi se od nas zapanje kada ugledaju ženu u visokoj trudnoći sa cigaretom u ruci.Većina ljudi nije svjesna koliko pušenje može štetiti plodnosti para.Mnoge žene odluče prestati pušiti kada zatrudne,ali ne shvaćaju da nastavkom pušenja spriječavaju da se to dogodi.Duhan sadržava više od 4000 sastojaka ukljućujući vinilklorid,olovo,kadimij,amonijak,ugljični monoksid...Prvih nekoliko tjedana žena možda i ne zna da je trudna ,a beba sve to vrijeme unosi duhan u organizam.

Pušenje šteti i plodnosti muškaraca. Smanjuje im broj spermija,povećava broj spermija abnormalnih oblika,usporava ih,smanjuje razinu testestorona.Pušenje smanjuje razinu vitamina C.Manjak tog vitamina potiče spermije da prijanjaju jedni uz druge umjesto da plivaju prema naprijed kako bi oplodili jajašce.

Kod žena je definitivno utvrđena veza između neplodnosti i pušenja.Pušenje čak može izazvati raniju menopazuzu.


Istraživanja su pokazala da konzumiranje alkohola smanjuje broj spermija,povećava broj spermija abnormalnih oblika i smanjuje njihovu pokretljivost.Aklohol utječe na muškarčevu plodnost i zato mijenja razinu hormona:mijenja način na koji se proizvodi i otpušta testosteron.Zbog djelovanja alkohola na jetru muškarac može akumulirati male količine ženskih hormona.Ti žeski hormoni mogu smanjiti proizvodnju spermija i ugroziti potentnost.

Također alkohol spriječava apsorpciju hranjivih tvari poput cinka,jednog od najvažnijih minerala za mušku plodnost.Cink se u spermi nalazi u visokim koncentracijama.Optimalna količina tog minerala potrebna je za stvaranje vanjskog sloja repa spermija i stoga je nužna za njegovo zdravlje. Ako se u prehrani muškarca smanji unos cinka,smanji mu se i broj spermija.

Žene koje prekomjerno piju mogu prestati ovulirati,izgubiti mjesečnicu i dulje im treba da zatrudne.Istraživanje je čak pokazalo čvrstu uzročno-posljedičnu vezu između konzumiranja alkohola i spontanog pobačaja. Žene koje svaki dan popiju piće,znatno češće imaju spontani pobačaj,nego one koje ne piju.Žena koja pije i puši prijeti četiri puta veća opasnost od spontanog pobačaja.

PostPoslato: 12 Mar 2019, 14:02 
“Testirano je 3.359 vozača, a kod njih 656 ili 19,5 odsto utvrđena je alkoholisanost. Kod 85 vozača utvrđena je količina alkohola preko 1,51 g/kg, kod njih 223 utvrđena je količina od 0,81 do 1,50 g/kg, kod 298 vozača od 0,31 do 0,80 g/kg, dok je kod 50 vozača utvrđena količina alkohola od 0,01 do 0,30 g/kg”, navode iz MUP. ... a-volanom/

PostPoslato: 12 Mar 2019, 14:06 
Samo jedan iznad mene
Samo jedan iznad mene
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 12 Feb 2008, 16:27
Postovi: 17340
12 jebenih godina!
Ovo mora da je neki rekord...

Rape train has no brakes

Sa korita Ivanova

PostPoslato: 12 Mar 2019, 18:13 
Stara kuka
Stara kuka
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 14 Mar 2014, 13:26
Postovi: 8522
Đe je samo nađe?

PostPoslato: 12 Mar 2019, 18:16 
Stara kuka
Stara kuka
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 19 Feb 2010, 17:13
Postovi: 9867
Lokacija: Далеко од раја
Gledam sad, ima mnogo neodgovorenih pitanja u temama iz 2002. Valja malo pročešljati te teme.

Ко не воли ракију, не воли ни људе.

PostPoslato: 12 Mar 2019, 18:18 
Samo jedan iznad mene
Samo jedan iznad mene
Korisnikov avatar

Pridružio se: 12 Feb 2008, 16:27
Postovi: 17340
hadzidado je napisao:
Đe je samo nađe?

Ovo i mene interesuje, ali se malo bojim odgovora...

Rape train has no brakes

Sa korita Ivanova

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